One click archive converter
By clicking on a button below, you can easily create a compressed archive of the file you have selected. By clicking you are accepting our terms.
Convert to 7Z
7z file converterConvert to TAR.BZ2
Create TAR.BZ2 archives onlineConvert to TAR.GZ
Online TAR.GZ compressorConvert to ZIP
Convert your files to the ZIP formatConvert to AAC
Music converter to AACConvert to AIFF
Convert audio to AIFFConvert to FLAC
Convert audio to FLACConvert to M4A
Online audio converter to M4AConvert to M4R
Convert audio to M4RConvert to MMF
Convert audio to the MMF ringtone formatConvert to MP3
Convert audio to MP3Convert to OGG
Convert audio to the OGG formatConvert to OPUS
Convert files to the OPUS formatConvert to WAV
Convert audio to WAVConvert to WMA
Convert audio and video to WMAConvert to DWG
Convert your file to DWGConvert to DXF
Online DXF converterConvert for Android
Convert video for Android devicesConvert for Blackberry
Blackberry video converterConvert for XBOX
Convert video for the XBOXConvert for iPad
iPad video converterConvert for iPhone
Convert your video for your iPhoneConvert for iPod
Online video to iPod converterConvert for Nintendo 3DS
Convert videos for the Nintendo 3DSConvert for Nintendo DS
Convert your video to the Nintendo DS DPG formatConvert for PlayStation
Convert video for PlayStationConvert for PSP
Convert video for your PSPConvert for Wii
Convert video for Nintendo WiiConvert to DOC
Convert PDF and other documents to WordConvert to DOCX
Convert your documents to DOCXConvert to HTML
Convert a document to HTMLConvert to ODT
Convert to OpenOffice ODT formatConvert to PDF
Convert documents and images to PDFConvert to PPT
Powerpoint converterConvert to PPTX
Convert files to the Powerpoint PPTX formatConvert to RTF
Online RTF converterConvert to TXT
Convert your document to textConvert to XLSX
Convert your file to the Microsoft Excel XLSX formatConvert to AZW
Convert ebooks to the Kindle AZW 3 formatConvert to ePub
Convert text to the ePub ebook formatConvert to FB2
Convert your text to the ebook FB2 formatConvert to LIT
Convert your text file to the Microsoft LIT ebook formatConvert to LRF
Convert a file to the Sony LRF ebook formatConvert to MOBI
Convert text or ebooks to the MOBI formatConvert to PDB
Convert an ebook to the Palm PDB formatConvert to PDF
Convert text files to PDF optimized for ebook readerConvert to TCR
Convert an ebook to the TCR reader formatAdler32
Adler32 online generatorhtpasswd Apache
Generate a .htpasswd password for ApacheBlowfish
Create a Blowfish hash with saltCRC-32
CRC-32 online checksum calculatorCRC-32B
Calculate CRC-32B checksums onlineDES
Online DES hash generatorGost
Create a GOST hash onlineHaval-128
Encrypt data with the Haval-128 hash algorithmMD4
Online MD4 generatorMD5
MD5 Hash generatorRIPEMD-128
Generate RIPEMD 128 Bit hashRIPEMD-160
Calculate a RIPEMD-160 hashSHA-1
Generate a SHA-1 hashSHA-256
Calculate a SHA hash with 256 bitsSHA-384
Generate a SHA hash with 384 BitsSHA-512
Generate a SHA hash with 512 BitsSnefru
Calculate a Snefru hashTiger-128
Tiger hash calculator using 128 BitTiger-160
Tiger 160 Bit hash calculatorTiger-192
Generate a Tiger hash with 192 BitsWhirlpool
Whirlpool online hash generatorConvert to BMP
Convert an image to the BMP formatConvert to EPS
Convert an image to the EPS formatConvert to HDR/EXR
Convert an image to the High dynamic-range (HDR) .EXR formatConvert to GIF
Convert files to GIFConvert to ICO
Convert your image to the ICO formatConvert to JPG
Online image converter to JPEGConvert to PNG
Convert image to PNGConvert to SVG
Convert image to the SVG formatConvert to TGA
Convert image to TGA formatConvert to TIFF
Convert image to TIFF formatConvert to WBMP
Convert image to WBMP (mobile format)Convert to WebP
Convert an image to WebPExcel converter
Microsoft Office Excel converterPowerPoint Converter
Microsoft Office PowerPoint converterWord converter
Microsoft Office Word converterConvert to 3G2
3G2 video converterConvert to 3GP
Convert video to 3GPConvert to AVI
Online AVI video converterConvert to FLV
Online video converter to FLVConvert to MKV
Convert video to the Matroska (MKV) formatConvert to MOV
Convert video to Quicktime MOVConvert to MP4
Convert video to MP4Convert to MPG
Convert your video to MPGConvert to OGV
Convert video to the OGV formatConvert to WEBM
Video converter to convert to the WebM format (VP8)Convert to WMV
Online WMV video converterConvert for Facebook
Convert your video for FacebookConvert for Instagram
Convert video for InstagramConvert for Telegram
Convert a file for TelegramConvert for Twitter
Convert your file for TwitterConvert for WhatsApp
Convert a file for WhatsAppConvert for Dailymotion
Dailymotion video converterConvert for Twitch
Convert your file for TwitchConvert for Viber
Viber video converterConvert for Vimeo
Video converter for vimeoConvert for Youtube
Video converter for YoutubeConvert for TikTok
Convert your file for TikTok